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Monday, May 27, 2019


Accepting others as they are is the biggest challenge for us in our life.

We are all living in middle of different kinds of people. Some are immature,some mature,some angry,some calm,some arrogant,some kind,some patient,some impatient,some believers ,some unbelievers and many more.

We have to try our level best to understand and accept them as they are. By doing this we will be able to live in peace and if we try to change them according to our wants we will be pierced with different kinds of pains and also our peace will be disturbed.

Peace does not grow in saying prayers but by living according to the prayers we believe.

We have to understand that when we were in the height of our sin,God accepted us we are and changed us through His Grace as He wanted us to live,once we experience this new life given to us by God then we need to accept others as they are as God has accepted us.

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