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Thursday, November 25, 2021

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



And the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever. —Revelation 20:10.


Devil is very good in what he does hence to catch him red handed is not possible if we do not know the Word of God.


Devil works tirelessly so that he can trap as many souls as possible so that he can drag them to hell. Most of us living in this world fall trap to devil through 4 things.




Pride is the biggest mortal sin anyone can commit in their life. Devil knows that because of the sin of pride he was cast out from heaven and from that day till now he is very busy to speak lies as truth with people who live in this world. Most of the people who are living in this world fall trap to devil easily because they do not know the Word of God. When we fall into the sin of pride we have to quickly get up from that place and walk towards God or else the same pride will bring us shame and downfall.




Lust is the worst problem everyone face starting from the young age of 8 to the ripe age of 80+. Devil has trapped many into this sin and because of getting trapped in that sin many souls are in danger of perishing. Lust cannot be quenched so easily unless we turn ourselves to the Word of God. Lust can start from watching impure movies, if we do not stop watching impure movies then it will lead to masturbation and if we do not stop masturbation then it will surely lead us to the sin of fornication if we are not married or to the sin of adultery if we are married. Devil is the one who has twisted lies as truth so that we may not know whether we are doing right or wrong.




We all lack energy and get tired fast after 8 hours of work and because of this we become lazy to do anything. When we are lazy then surely we will not be praying regularly but once in a while. Laziness inside us will not allow us to become what God has desired. We because of our laziness become inactive in our life and will be calling different sickness and troubles. When we are lazy at home then surely we will be lazy at work also and because of this we may lose our job. We can never think of doing God’s work when we are lazy because sometimes we may have to work for 18 to 20 hours at a stretch.




Sacrilege is one the most dangerous sin most of us are not aware. When we do not know about this sin we will be danger of losing our soul to the devil. When we commit Mortal sin we cannot receive Eucharist unless we go to confession. Truth is many of the religious also receive Eucharist when they commit mortal sin without going for confession when they celebrate Holy Mass daily. Many of us hide sexual sins in the confession thinking what priest may think about us. Truth is whatever priest think about us is not so important than what will happen to our soul after we die.

 If we die suddenly with the sin of sacrilege then there is no judgement for us but we have to stay eternally in hell.



Date: 25 : 11: 2021.

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