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Friday, November 5, 2021

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Since our knowledge of God is limited, our language about him is equally so. We can name God only by taking creatures as our starting point, and in accordance with our limited human ways of knowing and thinking. — Catechism of the Catholic Church 40.


Knowledge of God cannot be obtained by our human intellect but has to be revealed to us by The Holy Spirit. Without having fellowship of the Holy Spirit our knowledge regarding God and His ways will be limited hence we know only till what we understand.


We may think that if we are in prayers we will know God but the real truth is we will not know God unless He reveals Himself to us. We all pray so that we may know God but our desires and pleasures make way in between and ruin all the plan of us.


Most of us think we have gone astray because of the devil but the truth is we have gone astray because of our wrong desires and pleasures. We are to be blamed for walking away from God because it is we who decided it.


Devil will come to us every day with all the suggestions contrary to the Word of God but it is in our power to say Yes or No to the devil.


If we say no, devil cannot force us to say yes and if we say yes then we will say yes to many wrong suggestions brought to us by the devil till we ruin our life partially or completely.

We do not have capacity to fill inside of us the knowledge of God because it is very huge subject that is why whenever we read His Word He will put us to test to check whether we are going to stand on His Word, once we stand on His word and pass the test then He will increase in us capacity to know Him little by little.


We may all have to go through thousands, lakhs and millions of tests till we come to know Him to the best. We have make ourselves ready to know Him so that by knowing Him we will escape from all the corruptions of the world and also we will be free from all the traps of the enemy.



Date: 05: 11: 2021.

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