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Saturday, June 15, 2019


God's word clearly says that it is better to obey rather than offer sacrifice.

We are living in this world and from our childhood till date we have obeyed some with happiness, some with anger and some because of compulsion.

In the same way when we are growing in our spiritual life we have to obey every Word of God with love.

We have to understand that whatever we require to grow in our spiritual life is hidden in the Word of God. If we are just listeners of the Word of God then surely we will deceive ourselves. If we are the doers of the Word of God by obeying then we will experience supernatural miracles in our life.

When we have developed a great habit of obeying God then surely all things which seems impossible for disobedient will become very easy for us.

We need to have great reverence towards the Word of God to obey it and also we require courage, patience and joy to stand on the Word of God and reach towards our supernatural miracle.

If you have any prayer request kindly send name of the person and problem to my email:


Please do read my testimonies and my wife's testimonies posted in below mentioned BlogSpot to give glory to GOD for HIS miracles.

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