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Wednesday, June 19, 2019


We are praying, reading word of God,attend all forms of prayers just to know about Love and after knowing it to practice daily in our life.

We can summarize God's kingdom in one word that's LOVE. Without having love we are nothing even if we have great faith to move mountains.

Many people think that by greeting each other we are having love. Greeting each other is not love but affection.

We need to understand that there are 15 qualities which will grow in us when we are full of God's love.
1. I am patient
2. I am kind
3. I am not envious about others around me.
4. I do not boast about my abilities and success.
5. I am not proud.
6. I am not rude.
7. I do not insist on my own ways.
8. I do not get angry easily.
9. I do not get irritated easily.
10. I am not having any resentment with others.
11. I do not keep account of wrongs done to me by others.
12. I do not delight in the evil but I rejoice greatly in the truth that is Word of God.
13. I bear everything coming in my life.
14. I believe and hope in all things that is true.
15. I endure everything which is allowed by God in my life.

We need to check our life and see whether we are having all the quality in us, if not we have to commit ourself daily to God and grow every quality which is missing in our life to become complete.

If you have any prayer request kindly send name of the person and problem to my email:


Please do read my testimonies and my wife's testimonies posted in below mentioned BlogSpot to give glory to GOD for HIS miracles.

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