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Friday, June 21, 2019


Many of us are scared to come to God in prayers because we think we have to give up so many things which we were practicing when we were in midst of corrupt world.

We need to understand that we don't have to give up anything by force but as we grow in the knowledge of the Word of God that itself will give us inspiration to give up everything which is bad and which will damage our life.

God's word is very powerful and it has power within to destroy every stronghold we have. We don't have to do anything to give up but we have to only focus ourselves completely on the Word of God and the power of God's word will destroy every plant that is planted by the enemy.

Our reasoning mind thinks that we can live happily without God in our life, but it is not true As we move forward in our life without God we will be attached to material things,addictions and pleasures of the flesh which will keep us happy for one moment but most of the time grumpy and miserable.

If you have any prayer request kindly send name of the person and problem to my email:


Please do read my testimonies and my wife's testimonies posted in below mentioned BlogSpot to give glory to GOD for HIS miracles.

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