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Monday, March 16, 2020


Word of God clearly says in PSALMS 73:26 - My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

We are all going through one or the other problems of life and most of us live with fear and depression rather than being joyful and courageous. Only reason for this we are trying to fight the battle with our flesh and when we doing this we are alone in our battle and because of this we may quit on solving our problems by ending our life.

We have to understand unless we make GOD our strength it is next to impossible to defeat the devil. When we make GOD our strength by reciting the Word of God daily and stand firm on the Word of GOD no matter how big and impossible may be our situation GOD will come to our rescue.

Many of us because of everything going well in our life we forget GOD and because of this we do not know to handle crisis in our life. We have to know that no matter how strong we are in this world we will not be able handle crisis without the strength of GOD.

Recently there is outbreak of Corona virus all over the world and because of this many are disturbed and in fear because it is infectious and because of this most of us even scared shaking hands with others that it may not come upon them through others. The reason of disturbance and fear is our lack of trust in GOD and also our attachment to the world. When we make GOD strength of our heart any virus touching our body dies instantly and we will be protected by GOD and keep us safe in midst of outbreak according to His promises.

Date: 16:03: 2020.

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