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Tuesday, March 3, 2020


“Know that the greatest service that man can offer to God is to help convert souls.” St. Rose of Lima.

We are all created by God to love Him, to know Him and to serve Him.

God is calling many people to serve Him and also blessed many with different kinds of gifts but out this many only few of them take courage and serve the Lord and others quench the power of the gift because of not putting it in use.

We have to understand that the greatest service we can ever offer God is to make others experience conversion of soul.

First and foremost we have to learn everything about the Word of God and experience conversion of soul ourself, so that after we experience conversion of soul we may teach others to do the same.

Truth is we are all so busy with our worldly affairs we don't have time to experience conversion of soul ourself because of that there is no chance that we will make others experience the same.

Most of the people go place to place and people to people asking for prayers and if they do not learn then they will be doing the same till the end of their life.

If we ask for prayers with others and pray for our needs all our life what good it will do to us because our needs are never going to stop till we breathe our last on this earth.

We have to make time everyday to learn the Word of God and also memorize it so that it will become part of our life. Only then we will be able teach the same to others and do the greatest service to God.

Date: 03: 03: 2020.

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