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Friday, March 27, 2020


Our body has this defect that, the more it is provided care and comforts, the more needs and desires it finds. –St. Teresa of Avila.

Our body requires food, clothing, work, rest and entertainment so that we will be happy. Truth is all these are required but in limitation so that our body may fall into greed of asking for more.

Worldly people do everything to keep their body happy and when it comes to their soul they are very careless. Rich people want to wear expensive clothes and accessories so that all the people will notice them but in reality they are wasting a large sum of money which can feed at least 25 people for a month.

Most of us do not even understand everything done in moderation will save us from decorating our body which will be totally useless after our death. The same body which we have decorated all our life when we were alive will be decaying under the ground after our death.

We have to understand food is essential for the growth of our body in the same way Word of God is very essential food for the growth of our soul.

Most of us are happy when there is food at our table and every situation in our life is good, the moment something goes wrong we cannot bear it and try to blame others for the same. We have to analyze our life and check when everything was good and flourishing in our life whether we were kind to the poor and the needy, whether we were avoiding unnecessary expenses, whether we were eating simple food, whether we were wearing simple clothes ,live in a simple house and drive a simple vehicle. When we check all this for most of us the answer will come no. 

We have been successful in providing our body with great care and comfort but we have failed miserably to feed our soul. Let us make a firm decision today to feed our soul with the Word of God without depending on our situation and provide our body what it needs and not what it wants.

Date: 27:03: 2020.

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