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Thursday, March 19, 2020


Word of God clearly says in JEREMIAH 17:10- I the LORD test the mind and search the heart,
to give to all according to their ways, according to the fruit of their doings.

We may be in prayers at the same time doing things according to what we think it’s right as we are taught either by our parents or by our teachers or  by our friends. When we do this surely there is very less possibilities of us growing mature spiritually.

We have to know that we are tested by God in every situation to see whether we stand for Him or we walk away from Him. More we stand for Him He will reward us. 

Many of us have wrong intentions behind coming for prayers, with whatever intention we have come for prayers GOD knows beforehand. We may pretend to be holy, righteous before others and fool them but we should know that we cannot fool GOD because He knows everything which is in our mind as well as our heart and He will search everything before He rewards us.

We have to understand that when we cannot fool GOD in any way then we should not try to fool people with our outer appearance as it will never benefit us but in the longer period of time we will be embarrassed if anyone finds out about us.

Date: 19: 03: 2020.

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