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Friday, March 6, 2020



 We attend most carefully to our temporal welfare, and almost entirely neglect our eternal salvation!- WAY OF SALVATION AND OF PERFECTION - SAINT ALPHONSUS LIGOURI.

In this world people who are in prayers and also people who are not in prayers are so engrossed in the daily affairs of the world and because of that they neglect eternal salvation.

We may think that only by habitual prayers we can prepare ourselves for eternal salvation but the truth is it is not possible because God and His Word is a vast subject and even if we start learning everyday from the young age still we will not be able to know 100% about God.

We have to make time everyday to learn  little so that we may be able to practice that little we have learnt in our life.

If we are good in managing the things of the world and lack in spiritual life then one scripture will run in our mind day and night when we are nearing our death that is MARK 8:36-  For what does it profit a man, to gain the whole world and forfeit his life?.

Let us not waste precious time in roaming around, watching excessive TV or Internet, talking worldly with others, gossiping, partying and many more which are all vanity,  instead let us spend little time in prayer and also in learning and obeying the Word of God so that we may prepare ourselves properly for eternal salvation.

Date: 06: 03: 2020.

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