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Thursday, March 5, 2020


Word of God clearly says in Luke 18: 17- Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”

We all have to become like children to enter the kingdom of God.

We have understand and build in ourselves character of children. First character of the child is innocence, second character of the child is asking parents every need, third character of the child is dependent on parents, fourth character of the child is listening and obeying parents. Fifth character of the child is accepting guidance and corrections from parents and lastly  asking questions with parents to receive answers and clear doubts of mind.

When we develop the character of the child then surely we will not give importance to what we have learnt before coming to prayer and will start from the beginning as a child which will make us grow faster and also it will help to learn everything as child learns in school or else we will be reasoning.

As the child is innocent we have to be innocent. As a child ask everything from parents we have to ask everything from God. As a child is dependent on parents we have to be dependent on God.As the child is listening and obeying parents we have to listen and obey the word of God. As the child accept guidance and corrections from parents we have to accept guidance and corrections from the word of God. As a child asks parent every question running in its mind we have to ask questions running in our minds with Holy Spirit and clear our doubts.

We have to develop all the character of the child in ourselves to grow closer to God and His kingdom.

Date: 05: 03: 2020.

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