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Wednesday, July 31, 2019


Greed is one of the seven deadliest mortal sin. Most of us agree that greediness is not good but due to temptation many fall into greediness.

People with greed will have more desire to get wealth and satisfy their flesh and they are completely ignorant of God and also eternal life.

Many of our brothers and sisters are chasing fast money through lottery, MLM, network marketing, high interest paying schemes and many other things. Many of them have fallen trap to it and have lost huge amount of their hard earned money because of their greediness.

God's word clearly says in Hebrews 13:5 Keep your lives free from the love of money, and be content with what you have;.

We have to ask ourselves whether we are satisfied with what we have or we are greedy for more. Greedy people will achieve their goal by any means even if it is dangerous or damaging other people's life.

Greedy people will be so busy in their life by multiplying 10 into 100, 100 into 1000 and 1000 into 10,000 and so on. When they are into habit of multiplying they will become selfish and misers and also they will not share their riches with any needy people around them.

We have to have the attitude of sharing so that we may not fall trap to greediness and also we have to ask pardon from the Lord for all the instances we were greedy in the past.

Date: 31:07:2019.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


Jesus clearly says " LOVE YOUR ENEMIES".

We have to ask ourselves whether we are able to love our enemies if not then surely we are having lack of love.

In this modern world it is very easy to make enemies rather than friends and many of them have become enemies for silly reasons and also grave reasons.

We are very comfortable in this world to love whoever we like and when we step into our spiritual life we have to reconcile with everyone who hate us or are angry with us to show them power of forgiveness.

When we are able to love everyone we don't like as the people we like the most then surely we will be imitating Jesus on the cross and pleading on behalf of all who persecuted,flogged,spit, insulted and crucified Him by saying " FATHER FORGIVE THEM FOR THEY DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING".

Date: 30:07:2019.

Monday, July 29, 2019


When we are living in  the world and when we are moving forward in our spiritual journey, we have to remember that every day that we are in middle of spiritual battle hence we cannot relax and leave everything on God.

We have to fight our battle every day. There are few important signs that we are under attack by the enemy.

Sudden start of troubles, losses, trials, falling in danger, illness, threatening to our life, increased temptations, wrong decisions, walking towards sin, feeling of despair,suicidal thoughts,  fear, insecurity, confusion, spiritual dullness,feeling of condemnation, guilt and many more are the signs that we are under satanic attack.

We have to ask help of God to battle it. Here are few help God offers us to win the battle against the enemy His way.

1.Gift of Holy Spirit will enlighten us to fight the battle against the enemy. God fills us with His strength, wisdom, and discernment through His own Spirit to stay strong all through the battle.

2.Prayer is nothing but our communication with our creator. Through prayer God invites us to build strong relationship with Him. When we do that He reminds us that He is always present with us in the battle.

3. Word of God is very important habit we have to cultivate in midst of any battle. We have to recite the Word of God and experience God's Power to win the battle. Word of God guards our hearts and  focuses our minds back on God.

4. Power of Praise is very important to win any impossible battle. God's word clearly says when we are in battle and praise God we break the power of the enemy. We have to praise God in midst of good and also bad situation.

5. Blood of Jesus Christ brought us victory over all the schemes of the evil one. We have to know that Jesus by suffering and death on the cross, He has defeated the enemy and when we claim the same blood of Jesus upon us we will also be victorious.

6. Our testimony will defeat the enemy because we are thanking God for all the good things He has done in our life. God has worked great things in everyone's life but the question is whether we are sharing our testimony with others to glorify God.

Let us make our firm decision to use all the help God offers us and win every battle against the enemy and also teach others around us the same.

Date: 29: 07: 2019.

Sunday, July 28, 2019


Spiritual warfare is used for  resisting, overcoming and defeating the enemy's lies.

Enemy uses 3 important weapons to trap us.

1. Deception - it is one of the tool enemy uses to make us believe and act on his lies.

2. Temptation- it is enemy's suggestion for us to do everything contrary to the Word of God.

3. Accusation- it is enemy's powerful tool to bring downfall to prayerful person by accusing or false accusing them.

Spiritual warfare helps us to fight against all the things enemy is working against us.

We can use spiritual warfare to tear down all the stronghold that enemy has built in our mind and also to guard ourselves from the tactics and schemes of the enemy.

God's word clearly explains to us as how to wear the whole armour of God to protect us from all the schemes of the evil one. Please do read ( Ephesians 6:12-17).

We use the belt of truth  that is God's word to guard ourselves from the lies of the enemy and also to tear down everything enemy has built in our life.

As Catholics we have different prayers we can use as Spiritual warfare against the enemy.

1. Psalm 91.

2. Anima Christi.

3. St. Michaels prayer.

4.Jesus Christ gave St Faustina a secret weapon prayer we can pray for us and also for others.

“O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fount of Mercy for us, I trust in You” (Diary, 186-187).

Date: 28:07:2019.

Saturday, July 27, 2019


As Catholics we have to understand that there is real enemy out there in this world we need to fight him everyday to overcome every obstacles he brings to stop us from moving forward.

We have to identify all the tactics of the enemy or else we are surely going to lose the battle. When we are growing in faith we are introduced to the enemy and only way we can fight the enemy is with the help of the Word of God.

Devil also came to tempt Jesus by quoting scriptures but Jesus answered him back with the scriptures that's why he couldn't do anything in the same way when the evil one comes to tempt us are we ready to attack him with the Word of God or we simply fall into temptation every time.

We have to be well versed in the Word of God to defeat evil and his agents or else we will be defeated by evil and his agents every time.

We have to understand that evil and his agents can be present  one place at a time and have limitations of doing things but God on the other hand can be present at every place at the same time and He has no limitations of doing things.

God is always greater than evil and his agents and no matter how many are their numbers they cannot match the power of God. 

Let us make a commitment to learn the Word of God so that we will be well equipped to defeat the evil one and his agents.

Date: 27:07:2019.

Friday, July 26, 2019


Sickness is one of the biggest problem people face in this world that is why in this world hospitals and doctors are increasing in great numbers to accommodate all the sick people.

God sometimes allow sickness so that His purpose may be fulfilled in our life. God also allows sickness so that His glory may be revealed to us. God also allows sickness in the life of people who have rebelled against Him so that He can unite them back to Him.

Many people ask questions if God can heal why we should consult the doctor and take medicine.
We have to consult the doctor and take medicine when we are sick because our soul is not prosperous.
God's word clearly says that our health prospers when our soul prospers.

God is our Divine healer and He can heal everyone who call on Him with Faith. God knows how and when to heal someone.
We can only pray to God but decision is God's whether to heal now or later. We have to respect His decision because He knows what is better for us.

Date: 26:07:2019.

Thursday, July 25, 2019


Word of God says" “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”

We have to examine ourself and see whether we are proud. If we are proud then definitely we will be walking away from God only to be destroyed by the enemy.

If we have to live by the Grace of God we have to be willing to walk in humility rather than dwelling in the sin of pride.

When we are walking in humility we have to acknowledge in our daily life that we cannot do anything without God's help.

When we are walking in pride we think we do not require God and take many decisions which will bring us to destruction.

If we walk in pride we end up with shame, If we walk in humility we end up with wisdom.

People with pride will get caught in their own schemes to bring downfall to others but God will exalt the humble and give them honor.

Let us ask God forgiveness for all the moments we have walked in pride and ask His Grace to become humble.

Date: 25:07:2019.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


God's word clearly says that DEATH and LIFE IS IN THE POWER OF OUR TONGUE.

Many of us are ignorant about this truth and most of the time speak death rather than life.  Today many of them have brought death to their jobs, family, health etc by speaking death.

God's word becomes very important for us to switch our life from death to life. It requires lots of courage to speak life when we are going through death like situations in our life.

Our tongue cannot speak by itself but by everything that is filled in our heart. We can fill our hearts with good things or bad things depending on our desires and plans. Whatever is in our heart comes out from our mouth. That is why Jesus clearly said " OUT OF THE ABUNDANCE OF THE HEART THE MOUTH SPEAKS."

We have to be very careful about what we speak because whatever we speak today can become a seed and when we speak it again and again  the same word sprouts and become plant and also tree good or bad according to what we have spoken.

We need to be alert every moment so that we may speak life to us and also speak life to others around us who speak death.

Date: 24:07:2019.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019


God's word clearly says " GIVE AND IT WILL BE GIVEN UNTO YOU.

Giving will not come to us automatically but we need to cultivate the attitude of giving in our life.

Many a times we ask ourselves question about giving. when we are having habit of giving we overcome selfishness and grow in selflessness.

Recently Pope Francis said when we pass by the road and see a homeless man lying there instead of giving him something he/she needs, we walk off saying maybe he's drunk only because our hearts are hardened.

God has generously given us our life, our families, world to live, finances and many other things we need. 

Out of whatever God has blessed us with are we ready to give a small portion back to God by giving to the needy or to the church. If we are generous enough in giving we imitate the generosity of God.

God has blessed us with two important things that is  money and time.
We need to ask ourselves is whether we are keeping all God has blessed for ourself or we give our money to others who are in need or use it for unnecessary wants and also are we giving our time to others who are broken and in distress to encourage and build them or spending that time on unprofitable things.

If we are not in the habit of giving, at least from today let us cultivate this great habit of giving and by cultivating this habit of giving we will be blessing in somebody's life and God will be Glorified through our act of giving.

Date: 23:07:2019.

Monday, July 22, 2019


When we are in our spiritual journey we need to learn very carefully about the traps of satan to stop our spiritual journey from moving forward.

Satan and His agents cannot physically appear in this world that is why they use physical people who are living in this world to set traps for other people especially those who are in prayer.

Satan is very cunning and deceiving from the beginning and  he works very hard day and night
to deceive everyone, but he concentrates on selected people who will get easily deceived. People who get easily deceived are the people who are ignorant of the truth that is in the Word of God.

Once he traps them then Satan's half work is done, the other half work  of satan begins by making them believe in lies and everything that is contrary to the Word of God. 

Once this process is finished then satan uses the same people to tell others the same lies they believed and every other things they believed which is contrary to the Word of God so that the others may also believe the same.

Satan also uses the some people he has trained, to hurt others with abusive words and violence so that he can cause emotional and physical pain especially for those who are in the beginning or in the middle of their spiritual journey.

Because of this traps many have begun their prayer life and quit and many have come forward till the middle and have quit and only those who take courage and have patience will reach to spiritual maturity.

When we come to know the truth that is in the Word of God then for satan and his agents it will be a uphill task to trap us from moving forward in our spiritual journey.

Date: 22:07:2019.

Sunday, July 21, 2019


Jesus is calling all of us who carrying heavy burdens to come to Him so that He can give us rest.

We as humans can carry our burdens only for few days or few months after that we will get fed up, angry,irritated about our burdens, that is why we have to seek help of Jesus personally everyday and we have to speak about our burdens to Jesus so that He can lighten it and give us rest.

There are 3 important areas which needs rest in our life. The rest we need only Jesus can give us.

1. Fear - When we are facing any kinds of situation in our life we do not have to fear of anything because God is with us all the time and supernaturally protects us from all dangers.

2. Hopelessness-  we have to know that God has great plans for our welfare and not for our destruction. We should have faith in God when we are going through hopeless situation. From every hopeless situation God can lift us up only when we trust in Him and be calm.

3. Addictions- Many of us are in different kinds of addictions like alcohol, smoking, drugs, tobacco,  pornography, gossiping, internet etc, we can stay away from addictions for a while after sometime we will be indulging in it more than before only because we are trying to give up without the help of God. Without help of God it is next to impossible to come out of any addiction small or big. 

When we are having rest in these 3 areas we will be able to grow strong in our spiritual journey and live a life pleasing to God.

Saturday, July 20, 2019


God's word clearly says " JOY OF THE LORD IS MY STRENGTH".

Question we need to ask ourselves whether we are joyful or happy.

When we are happy according to the world, that happiness will not last for a long time.
Happiness is always depending on our situation, if everything is going on well in our life we can be happy temporarily and when suddenly some bad news breaks in then our happiness will turn into sadness and sadness will lead us to oppression and depression.

JOY is the fruit of the HOLY SPIRIT which will grow inside us when we are doers of the word of God. Doing God's will multiplies JOY in our life.

JOY does not fade away according to the situations in our life as happiness does but JOY will remain same all the time in good times as well as bad times. Only thing which can steal our JOY is sin.

As believers we have to be joyful in every situation in our life, by doing this we will be giving up our past life of sin and will be accepting new life of holiness and righteousness destined by God for us.

Friday, July 19, 2019


Thanksgiving is the Important habit we have to cultivate in our life when we are in prayer.

We are going to go through good situations as well as bad situations in our life but we have to cultivate habit of giving thanks to God in both the situations.

We need to know that it is not always easy to give thanks to God but still we have to give thanks to God so that God's purpose will be accomplished in our life.

Giving thanks to God has great power to bring joy in our life and also to break the power of the enemy from our life.

We have to understand that when we give thanks to God in difficult circumstances, the enemy loses battle against us.

We have to thank God for everything in our life especially for all the problems we are facing. We have to avoid complaining about our situations and also we should not compare ourself with others who are blessed more than us.

Thankful heart is God's will for us in Jesus. When we thank God in all situations it will surely lead us to enjoy the great blessings of God.

If you have any prayer request kindly send name of the person and problem to my email:

Please do read my testimonies and my wife's testimonies posted in below mentioned BlogSpot to give glory to GOD for HIS miracles.

Thursday, July 18, 2019


Temptation is the strongest tool devil uses against us to break God's law and commit sin.

Temptation causes us to concentrate more on pleasures of sin that passes away instead of concentrating on rich rewards for serving Almighty God with all our heart.

Temptation comes to us from 3 sources.
1. Devil.
2. Desires of the flesh.
3. World.

Devil can tempt us to sin but he cannot make us sin unless we say yes to it. We can be easily tempted through our desires of the flesh and the world.

In whichever way the temptation comes we have to understand that dwelling in it for long will surely destroy us.

Temptation can be very difficult to resist but God will not leave us to be helpless victims of temptation but God has promised us to provide a way out of the temptation only when we trust in Him.

Jesus Christ fought temptation in His life when on earth, that is why He will not only cleanses from all our sins but also understand very well about our temptation and we can ask Jesus help to deliver us from all temptations we are going through in our life.

If you have any prayer request kindly send name of the person and problem to my email:


Please do read my testimonies and my wife's testimonies posted in below mentioned BlogSpot to give glory to GOD for HIS miracles.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019


God's word clearly says " Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good".
We need to ask ourselves question whether we are overcoming evil with good or we are overcoming evil with evil.
We have to understand that we cannot overcome evil with good unless we are connected to source of all goodness that is GOD.
We cannot get connected to God powerfully without being the doers of the Word of God.
We cannot become doers of the Word of God overnight but it will take time. Initially we will be failing again and again to obey the Word of God, if we do not loose our patience and try again we will succeed in obeying the Word of God.
Once we know how to obey the Word of God then we will be knowing to do good to everyone who do evil to us. By doing this we will not only overcome evil with good but also have victory over evil in our life.

If you have any prayer request kindly send name of the person and problem to my email:


Please do read my testimonies and my wife's testimonies posted in below mentioned BlogSpot to give glory to GOD for HIS miracles.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019


Fear is the biggest enemy of Faith. Fear means Faulty Expectation Appearing Real.

Fear is the result of our doubt and lack of faith. According to the Word of God, fear is there in our life because we are going through punishments and also we are not perfected in God's love.

Faith connects us to God and Fear connects us to satan.
Fear is our strongest motivator to make us do wrong things and also put on us lots of pressure to take rash and wrong decisions which will pull us further down.

We can fight fear only by growing in Faith because FAITH DESTROYS ALL FEAR and FEAR DESTROYS ALL FAITH.

Being in the fellowship with the word of God is the only way to live free from fear.

God's word has power within to set us free from all fear, if we build our confidence in it.

If you have any prayer request kindly send name of the person and problem to my email:


Please do read my testimonies and my wife's testimonies posted in below mentioned BlogSpot to give glory to GOD for HIS miracles.

Monday, July 15, 2019


In today's world false accusations and spreading lies is becoming common everywhere and because of this many people's lives have been greatly affected.

When we are falsely accused by people we can react to it by getting angry or gossip or build hatred against that person or we can respond by praying for their conversion.

We have to understand that false accusations is the last stage of supernatural promotion. We should know that God is omniscient that is He has got all the knowledge of everything happening in our life out of which He will reveal some of it when we ask His help.

We have to rejoice and be glad when someone falsely accuses us or spread lies about us because we are going to experience supernatural promotion anytime.

The person who is falsely accusing us or spreading lies about us has to do reparation for the same.

If you have any prayer request kindly send name of the person and problem to my email:


Please do read my testimonies and my wife's testimonies posted in below mentioned BlogSpot to give glory to GOD for HIS miracles.

Sunday, July 14, 2019


Kindness is one of the fruit of the HOLY SPIRIT which is either taken for granted by us or we have forgotten.

Kindness is very important fruit to produce in our life especially when we are in prayer.

Without being in fellowship with God we cannot produce this fruit ourself.

When we are producing this fruit we will show kindness to people who do not deserve, people who ignore us, people who do not love us and also to people who reject us.

Jesus was very kind to all who persecuted Him, rejected Him, betrayed Him, Flogged Him and crucified Him. He never uttered a word when all these people were unkind to Him.

God is always kind to us and always give us what we do not deserve, by doing this God is leading us to Repentance.

When we imitate God’s kindness we love our enemies as Jesus did. We will do good to others expecting nothing in return. When we do this we have to know that we will be rewarded by God.

When God was kind to us when we were leading a sinful life then after experiencing God's kindness, we have to also show kindness to others who are leading sinful life in our family,workplace, neighborhood and community.

If you have any prayer request kindly send name of the person and problem to my email:


Please do read my testimonies and my wife's testimonies posted in below mentioned BlogSpot to give glory to GOD for HIS miracles.

Saturday, July 13, 2019


God's word clearly says that " Without Holiness we cannot see the Lord".

In today's world people are going to retreats, novenas and many other forms of prayers only to receive one or the other things from God and When this becomes habitual in our life we forget to grow in holiness.

We have to understand that FAITH PLEASES GOD but HOLINESS ATTRACTS GOD.

Holiness is not a optional accessory that we can add in our life any time we want but it's a necessity to be closer to God when we are on this earth.

We have to strive to grow in holiness in the sight of God or else we will be like the crowd who went behind Jesus and saw everything He did but not experience anything themselves.

We have to understand that we are not our own but we are purchased by the Blood of Jesus. When we are purchased by the Blood of Jesus then we belong to Jesus, if we belong to Jesus then we will surely do everything to attract Him towards us. Holiness is the only way available for us to attract Jesus towards us.

If you have any prayer request kindly send name of the person and problem to my email:


Please do read my testimonies and my wife's testimonies posted in below mentioned BlogSpot to give glory to GOD for HIS miracles.

Friday, July 12, 2019


We all have to grow in virtues to grow mature in our spiritual life or else there is possibilities of us quitting spiritual life in difficult times and going again behind the worldly desires which will bring destruction in our life.

There are 7 main virtues we have to grow when we are in our spiritual journey.

1. FAITH - it is the assurance of things hoped for and evidence things not seen and also Faith believes in all right things according to the Word of God.

2.HOPE - It is nothing but taking positive view about our future and also having great belief that everything will happen good in our life according to God's promises.

3.CHARITY - Charity is the virtue which will encourage us to show concerns to actively help others in need around us.

4.FORTITUDE - This is the virtue which will help us to not to give up on God and His Word in any circumstances.

5. JUSTICE- This virtue will help us to fair and impartial with others.

6. PRUDENCE- This virtue will help us to govern and discipline our self. It also help us to take decisions according to the Word of God.

7.TEMPERANCE - This virtue help us be careful about our wants and need. It will help us do everything we need within reasonable limit and also to abstain from things that are not needed.

If you have any prayer request kindly send name of the person and problem to my email:


Please do read my testimonies and my wife's testimonies posted in below mentioned BlogSpot to give glory to GOD for HIS miracles.

Thursday, July 11, 2019


If we are in prayers and if we have not growing in virtues then surely there is something wrong in our prayers.

We have to understand that without growing in virtues it is not possible to grow into spiritual maturity.

Prayer exercises all the virtues and the same virtues help us to worship God, build our confidence in God, to overcome our fear and doubt about Love of God, to love God in every situation.

We will be having 3 great characteristics in us when we are growing in virtues.

1. CONSISTENCY- Everyone of us who is growing in virtues will always give our best consistently, no matter how much difficult the circumstances in our life may be.

2. EASE - everyone of us who are growing in virtues can perform every act of good easily without burning ourself or putting extraordinary effort.

3.JOY - everyone of us who are growing in virtues will always do what is right and do it everytime joyfully.

Let us examine our prayer life and check whether we are growing in virtues or else there is something wrong in our prayers which needs correction.

If you have any prayer request kindly send name of the person and problem to my email:


Please do read my testimonies and my wife's testimonies posted in below mentioned BlogSpot to give glory to GOD for HIS miracles.