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Friday, July 12, 2019


We all have to grow in virtues to grow mature in our spiritual life or else there is possibilities of us quitting spiritual life in difficult times and going again behind the worldly desires which will bring destruction in our life.

There are 7 main virtues we have to grow when we are in our spiritual journey.

1. FAITH - it is the assurance of things hoped for and evidence things not seen and also Faith believes in all right things according to the Word of God.

2.HOPE - It is nothing but taking positive view about our future and also having great belief that everything will happen good in our life according to God's promises.

3.CHARITY - Charity is the virtue which will encourage us to show concerns to actively help others in need around us.

4.FORTITUDE - This is the virtue which will help us to not to give up on God and His Word in any circumstances.

5. JUSTICE- This virtue will help us to fair and impartial with others.

6. PRUDENCE- This virtue will help us to govern and discipline our self. It also help us to take decisions according to the Word of God.

7.TEMPERANCE - This virtue help us be careful about our wants and need. It will help us do everything we need within reasonable limit and also to abstain from things that are not needed.

If you have any prayer request kindly send name of the person and problem to my email:


Please do read my testimonies and my wife's testimonies posted in below mentioned BlogSpot to give glory to GOD for HIS miracles.

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