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Wednesday, July 31, 2019


Greed is one of the seven deadliest mortal sin. Most of us agree that greediness is not good but due to temptation many fall into greediness.

People with greed will have more desire to get wealth and satisfy their flesh and they are completely ignorant of God and also eternal life.

Many of our brothers and sisters are chasing fast money through lottery, MLM, network marketing, high interest paying schemes and many other things. Many of them have fallen trap to it and have lost huge amount of their hard earned money because of their greediness.

God's word clearly says in Hebrews 13:5 Keep your lives free from the love of money, and be content with what you have;.

We have to ask ourselves whether we are satisfied with what we have or we are greedy for more. Greedy people will achieve their goal by any means even if it is dangerous or damaging other people's life.

Greedy people will be so busy in their life by multiplying 10 into 100, 100 into 1000 and 1000 into 10,000 and so on. When they are into habit of multiplying they will become selfish and misers and also they will not share their riches with any needy people around them.

We have to have the attitude of sharing so that we may not fall trap to greediness and also we have to ask pardon from the Lord for all the instances we were greedy in the past.

Date: 31:07:2019.

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