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Sunday, July 7, 2019


Providence is the way by which God directs all things seen and unseen, good and evil towards a worthy purpose so that we may give up following our will and finally accept God's Will.
Providence of God will reach us on time because He loves and cares about us. God is working throughout the day and year for our benefits but the question we need to ask ourselves is are we receiving His benefits every time.
If we are not receiving His benefits every time then surely there is something in our life which is blocking us from receiving His benefits.
Fear,worry, doubt, unforgiveness, stubbornness, anger, hatred, envy, lust, pride are some of the things which will be blocking the providence of God in our life.
God is very powerful and present everywhere. God is the supreme ruler of Heaven and also earth and He governs everything He has created.
God's providence is not only limited to human beings but to all the animals, birds, fish, plants and trees and many more.
When God takes such care of all the animals ,birds, fish and plants how much more He will take care of us because we are created in the likeness and image of Him in our Spirit. Let us completely give control of our life to God and enjoy HIS great providence in our life.

If you have any prayer request kindly send name of the person and problem to my email:


Please do read my testimonies and my wife's testimonies posted in below mentioned BlogSpot to give glory to GOD for HIS miracles.

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