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Friday, July 26, 2019


Sickness is one of the biggest problem people face in this world that is why in this world hospitals and doctors are increasing in great numbers to accommodate all the sick people.

God sometimes allow sickness so that His purpose may be fulfilled in our life. God also allows sickness so that His glory may be revealed to us. God also allows sickness in the life of people who have rebelled against Him so that He can unite them back to Him.

Many people ask questions if God can heal why we should consult the doctor and take medicine.
We have to consult the doctor and take medicine when we are sick because our soul is not prosperous.
God's word clearly says that our health prospers when our soul prospers.

God is our Divine healer and He can heal everyone who call on Him with Faith. God knows how and when to heal someone.
We can only pray to God but decision is God's whether to heal now or later. We have to respect His decision because He knows what is better for us.

Date: 26:07:2019.

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