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Thursday, July 11, 2019


If we are in prayers and if we have not growing in virtues then surely there is something wrong in our prayers.

We have to understand that without growing in virtues it is not possible to grow into spiritual maturity.

Prayer exercises all the virtues and the same virtues help us to worship God, build our confidence in God, to overcome our fear and doubt about Love of God, to love God in every situation.

We will be having 3 great characteristics in us when we are growing in virtues.

1. CONSISTENCY- Everyone of us who is growing in virtues will always give our best consistently, no matter how much difficult the circumstances in our life may be.

2. EASE - everyone of us who are growing in virtues can perform every act of good easily without burning ourself or putting extraordinary effort.

3.JOY - everyone of us who are growing in virtues will always do what is right and do it everytime joyfully.

Let us examine our prayer life and check whether we are growing in virtues or else there is something wrong in our prayers which needs correction.

If you have any prayer request kindly send name of the person and problem to my email:


Please do read my testimonies and my wife's testimonies posted in below mentioned BlogSpot to give glory to GOD for HIS miracles.

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