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Friday, July 5, 2019


Sinful anger is one of the fruits of the flesh where many people are battling to come out of it but it is not possible to come out of anger without God's help.

Sinful anger is one of the greatest problem of today's generation because of display of anger in TV, internet, movies, public, sports and many other places. By looking at it many of us have conceived within ourselves same mindset.

Our sinful anger can flare up immediately or after sometime or after some days depending on our spiritual maturity. We can have silent anger from inside or explosive anger from outside.

Sinful anger can partially or completely destroy our relationship with one another and also our relationship with God.

Many of us are slaves to one or the other addictions in the same way we can be addicted to sinful anger.

Sinful anger will satisfy for a short period of time our sinful desire and our flesh. But after that period of time we feel very ashamed and guilty about our sinful anger.
When we are angry we think less and act more either by using abusive language or by violence.

We have understand that surrendering our sinful anger to God is the only way to get out of our sinful anger. We as humans cannot manage or control our sinful anger when we are living in the flesh.

We have to let Holy Spirit move in our life so that through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit we can find a way get out of our sinful anger.

If you have any prayer request kindly send name of the person and problem to my email:


Please do read my testimonies and my wife's testimonies posted in below mentioned BlogSpot to give glory to GOD for HIS miracles.

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