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Thursday, July 25, 2019


Word of God says" “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”

We have to examine ourself and see whether we are proud. If we are proud then definitely we will be walking away from God only to be destroyed by the enemy.

If we have to live by the Grace of God we have to be willing to walk in humility rather than dwelling in the sin of pride.

When we are walking in humility we have to acknowledge in our daily life that we cannot do anything without God's help.

When we are walking in pride we think we do not require God and take many decisions which will bring us to destruction.

If we walk in pride we end up with shame, If we walk in humility we end up with wisdom.

People with pride will get caught in their own schemes to bring downfall to others but God will exalt the humble and give them honor.

Let us ask God forgiveness for all the moments we have walked in pride and ask His Grace to become humble.

Date: 25:07:2019.

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