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Wednesday, July 24, 2019


God's word clearly says that DEATH and LIFE IS IN THE POWER OF OUR TONGUE.

Many of us are ignorant about this truth and most of the time speak death rather than life.  Today many of them have brought death to their jobs, family, health etc by speaking death.

God's word becomes very important for us to switch our life from death to life. It requires lots of courage to speak life when we are going through death like situations in our life.

Our tongue cannot speak by itself but by everything that is filled in our heart. We can fill our hearts with good things or bad things depending on our desires and plans. Whatever is in our heart comes out from our mouth. That is why Jesus clearly said " OUT OF THE ABUNDANCE OF THE HEART THE MOUTH SPEAKS."

We have to be very careful about what we speak because whatever we speak today can become a seed and when we speak it again and again  the same word sprouts and become plant and also tree good or bad according to what we have spoken.

We need to be alert every moment so that we may speak life to us and also speak life to others around us who speak death.

Date: 24:07:2019.

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