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Monday, July 29, 2019


When we are living in  the world and when we are moving forward in our spiritual journey, we have to remember that every day that we are in middle of spiritual battle hence we cannot relax and leave everything on God.

We have to fight our battle every day. There are few important signs that we are under attack by the enemy.

Sudden start of troubles, losses, trials, falling in danger, illness, threatening to our life, increased temptations, wrong decisions, walking towards sin, feeling of despair,suicidal thoughts,  fear, insecurity, confusion, spiritual dullness,feeling of condemnation, guilt and many more are the signs that we are under satanic attack.

We have to ask help of God to battle it. Here are few help God offers us to win the battle against the enemy His way.

1.Gift of Holy Spirit will enlighten us to fight the battle against the enemy. God fills us with His strength, wisdom, and discernment through His own Spirit to stay strong all through the battle.

2.Prayer is nothing but our communication with our creator. Through prayer God invites us to build strong relationship with Him. When we do that He reminds us that He is always present with us in the battle.

3. Word of God is very important habit we have to cultivate in midst of any battle. We have to recite the Word of God and experience God's Power to win the battle. Word of God guards our hearts and  focuses our minds back on God.

4. Power of Praise is very important to win any impossible battle. God's word clearly says when we are in battle and praise God we break the power of the enemy. We have to praise God in midst of good and also bad situation.

5. Blood of Jesus Christ brought us victory over all the schemes of the evil one. We have to know that Jesus by suffering and death on the cross, He has defeated the enemy and when we claim the same blood of Jesus upon us we will also be victorious.

6. Our testimony will defeat the enemy because we are thanking God for all the good things He has done in our life. God has worked great things in everyone's life but the question is whether we are sharing our testimony with others to glorify God.

Let us make our firm decision to use all the help God offers us and win every battle against the enemy and also teach others around us the same.

Date: 29: 07: 2019.

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