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Saturday, July 27, 2019


As Catholics we have to understand that there is real enemy out there in this world we need to fight him everyday to overcome every obstacles he brings to stop us from moving forward.

We have to identify all the tactics of the enemy or else we are surely going to lose the battle. When we are growing in faith we are introduced to the enemy and only way we can fight the enemy is with the help of the Word of God.

Devil also came to tempt Jesus by quoting scriptures but Jesus answered him back with the scriptures that's why he couldn't do anything in the same way when the evil one comes to tempt us are we ready to attack him with the Word of God or we simply fall into temptation every time.

We have to be well versed in the Word of God to defeat evil and his agents or else we will be defeated by evil and his agents every time.

We have to understand that evil and his agents can be present  one place at a time and have limitations of doing things but God on the other hand can be present at every place at the same time and He has no limitations of doing things.

God is always greater than evil and his agents and no matter how many are their numbers they cannot match the power of God. 

Let us make a commitment to learn the Word of God so that we will be well equipped to defeat the evil one and his agents.

Date: 27:07:2019.

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