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Tuesday, July 23, 2019


God's word clearly says " GIVE AND IT WILL BE GIVEN UNTO YOU.

Giving will not come to us automatically but we need to cultivate the attitude of giving in our life.

Many a times we ask ourselves question about giving. when we are having habit of giving we overcome selfishness and grow in selflessness.

Recently Pope Francis said when we pass by the road and see a homeless man lying there instead of giving him something he/she needs, we walk off saying maybe he's drunk only because our hearts are hardened.

God has generously given us our life, our families, world to live, finances and many other things we need. 

Out of whatever God has blessed us with are we ready to give a small portion back to God by giving to the needy or to the church. If we are generous enough in giving we imitate the generosity of God.

God has blessed us with two important things that is  money and time.
We need to ask ourselves is whether we are keeping all God has blessed for ourself or we give our money to others who are in need or use it for unnecessary wants and also are we giving our time to others who are broken and in distress to encourage and build them or spending that time on unprofitable things.

If we are not in the habit of giving, at least from today let us cultivate this great habit of giving and by cultivating this habit of giving we will be blessing in somebody's life and God will be Glorified through our act of giving.

Date: 23:07:2019.

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