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Monday, July 22, 2019


When we are in our spiritual journey we need to learn very carefully about the traps of satan to stop our spiritual journey from moving forward.

Satan and His agents cannot physically appear in this world that is why they use physical people who are living in this world to set traps for other people especially those who are in prayer.

Satan is very cunning and deceiving from the beginning and  he works very hard day and night
to deceive everyone, but he concentrates on selected people who will get easily deceived. People who get easily deceived are the people who are ignorant of the truth that is in the Word of God.

Once he traps them then Satan's half work is done, the other half work  of satan begins by making them believe in lies and everything that is contrary to the Word of God. 

Once this process is finished then satan uses the same people to tell others the same lies they believed and every other things they believed which is contrary to the Word of God so that the others may also believe the same.

Satan also uses the some people he has trained, to hurt others with abusive words and violence so that he can cause emotional and physical pain especially for those who are in the beginning or in the middle of their spiritual journey.

Because of this traps many have begun their prayer life and quit and many have come forward till the middle and have quit and only those who take courage and have patience will reach to spiritual maturity.

When we come to know the truth that is in the Word of God then for satan and his agents it will be a uphill task to trap us from moving forward in our spiritual journey.

Date: 22:07:2019.

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