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Thursday, August 1, 2019


God's word clearly says in Romans 12:14 " Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them."

The question we need to ask ourselves whether we are able to bear all persecution coming to us from near and dear ones. 
As humans it is impossible to bear any persecution in our life but when our human nature merges with the divine nature of God it will become easier to bear it.

If we are able to bear persecution, then we will be able bless those who persecute us. If we are able to bless those who persecute us then surely we will be blessed by God.

If we do not bless those who persecute us, then we will be surely cursing them, If we curse them then surely curse will come upon us.( refer psalm 109:17).

Let us start from today to bless every one especially those who hurt us, those who spoiled our name, those who spoke rudely with us, those who were unkind to us, those who hate us, those who falsely accuse us and also those who persecute us so that we may be blessed abundantly by God and also we may 
not fall trap to Unforgiveness.

Date: 01:08:2019.

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