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Thursday, August 15, 2019


God's word clearly says in 1Peter 2:24 B - BY HIS( JESUS) WOUNDS  WE HAVE BEEN HEALED.

If God's word is saying to us that by the wounds which happened to Jesus 2019 years back when He was beaten, scourged, crowned with thorns, by carrying of the cross and when He was nailed on the cross then why we are finding most of the people suffering from one or the other sickness.

Sickness doesn't come from God but it is coming from Satan but Satan cannot afflict us with any sickness without permission of God ( refer job 2:6-7). 

God allows sickness in our life for 3 different purpose out of which first two type of sickness can be healed if we co-operate with God and the third sickness as it is coming towards the end of our life on earth it cannot be healed till our death.


Many of us were sick and initially we took help of doctor and medicine and were not healed and after that someone introduced us to prayer and through prayers we were miraculously healed and saw Glory of God in our life.


Many of us are filled with lots of pride, arrogance, rebellion and stubbornness because of this we refuse to believe in God's power and because of allowing of sickness by God in our life our pride and arrogance will turn into humility, our rebellion will turn into loyalty and our stubbornness will turn into willingness. Through sickness God will change ourself completely from journeying towards heaven from hell.

3. TO CLEAR OUR SUFFERING IN PURGATORY ( refer to life of St. Gertrude).

In life of St. Gertrude after living a holy life she was afflicted with sickness at the end of her life and died and because of this one of the nun was again and again was asking God why she suffered sickness when she was living a holy life  and God answered  her because she has committed small sins for which she has to suffer few days in purgatory to clear that  she was allowed to suffer  from sickness while she was living on earth.

Through sickness we can learn so many lessons in our life and also we will identify the wrong we were doing in our life and correct it.

 Sickness helps us to be cautious and to live with discipline in our life.

When we co-operate with God in midst of our sickness our faith in God increases, our character changes and also our days in purgatory will reduce.

God is great and greatly to be praised and thanked because He works everything for our good in midst of our sickness so that we may  live a life of conversion.

Date:15: 08: 2019. 

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