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Friday, August 30, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Romans 6:6- We know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be destroyed, and we might no longer be enslaved to sin. 

We were living in the World and we have believed everything that is wrong according to the Word of God and because of this we have cultivated a habit which is according to the life we were living before coming to prayers.

Once we step into our prayer life we have to put our old self to death or else we will be praying but not growing in faith because our old self.

Our old self was committing lots of sin and if  we do not crucify our old self to Jesus cross then we will be having lots of difficulty in becoming strong in prayers.

Our old self  had the habit of living by sight and our new self should develop the habit of living by faith.

Our old self cultivated a habit of committing sin. Our new self should develop a habit of increasing in Grace.

Our old self was fighting, arguing, complaining and rebelling against God. Our new self should develop a habit of fighting our battle of faith, avoiding arguments, thanksgiving to God and remaining loyal to God in every situation of our life.

Without God's help it is impossible to crucify our old self and without crucifying  our old self it is impossible to grow mature in faith.

Date: 30: 08: 2019. ROVAN PINTO.

Word of God clearly says in Romans 6:6- We know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be destroyed, and we might no longer be enslaved to sin. 

We were living in the World and we have believed everything that is wrong according to the Word of God and because of this we have cultivated a habit which is according to the life we were living before coming to prayers.

Once we step into our prayer life we have to put our old self to death or else we will be praying but not growing in faith because our old self.

Our old self was committing lots of sin and if  we do not crucify our old self to Jesus cross then we will be having lots of difficulty in becoming strong in prayers.

Our old self  had the habit of living by sight and our new self should develop the habit of living by faith.

Our old self cultivated a habit of committing sin. Our new self should develop a habit of increasing in Grace.

Our old self was fighting, arguing, complaining and rebelling against God. Our new self should develop a habit of fighting our battle of faith, avoiding arguments, thanksgiving to God and remaining loyal to God in every situation of our life.

Without God's help it is impossible to crucify our old self and without crucifying  our old self it is impossible to grow mature in faith.

Date: 30: 08: 2019.

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