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Sunday, August 11, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Lamentations 3:22 - The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,his mercies never come to an end;.💐💐💐💐

It's very true that God loves us the most that is why we are alive after committing sins. Word of God clearly says that Wages of sin is death. God's love is so powerful that He can change the most hard hearted person who is in His plan.

God loves us the most when we are going through different kinds of sufferings, so that we may understand God's immense love in midst of our suffering.

 No matter how far we are from God , He will be near to us and He will be showing His love to  us. God with His great patience waits for us for months and also years so that we may return to Him from our sinful life.

Once we come back to Him He never ask us about our past life but He  washes our past life with His mercy. Mercy of God in our life is not the result something good we have done but because it is the nature of God.

When we experience God's mercy in our life we will come to realization of our sins, we will repent for our sins and also we will be able to change our life.

We should never take God's love and mercy for granted. God's love and mercy will always bring great change in us.

God's Love and mercy will  also guide us to walk in the right direction and also joy and peace will increase in our life.


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