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Saturday, August 3, 2019


God's word clearly says in James 4:4 says y whoever wishes to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.

When we are successful in the world people start becoming our friends and we accept everyone as our friends known and also unknown people who are introduced to us by known people.

When we are going through series of failures many of attached friends will leave us and along with them many of near and dear ones also leave us.

When we are in need of any assistance from our friends many of them will block us on whatsapp, Do not pick our call, do not answer our email and do not care about us anymore because they are not our true friends.

Only true friend we can trust in our good times and also in our bad times is JESUS, He is the only one who will stand by us and help us every step to climb from failure to success.

Once we succeed then we have to more cautious about friends who have left us. We  have to develop a new habit of trusting and depending on JESUS.

Date: 03: 08: 2019.

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