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Monday, August 26, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Hosea 4:6- My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge.

In today's world we see many of them suffering from loss of health or loss of property or loss of job and business or loss of family and loss of many other things.

The main reason for the loss of all these things is lack of knowledge. We are having lack of knowledge because we do everything to keep ourselves busy other than growing in the knowledge of the Word of God.

We have to understand that because of lack of knowledge we follow the ways of the world and desires of the flesh and walk in the way which ends in destruction.

God has put all His instructions in His Word but if we do not read, it will be our mistake. We cannot say that we did not know.

It is like speeding camera set on road for a particular speed.
If we do not know the speed of the road and go more than that speeding camera light Will flash and once the speeding camera flashes we have to pay fine for speeding and we cannot say we didn't know and escape from the fine.

In the same way all instructions are written in the Word of God and it is our responsibility to read and follow the instructions   or else we will have to bear all the consequences  for following the ways of the world and desires of the flesh and also we may fall to the traps and obstacles set by the enemy.

Let's all make a commitment to learn the Word of God daily and grow in the knowledge of the Word of God so that we may not be destroyed by the enemy.

Date: 26-08-2019.

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