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Friday, August 9, 2019


Envy is one of the deadliest mortal sin and if we dwell in it for a longer period of time then that poison can make our life worst.

Envy causes us to feel hatredness about others around us because they are richer than us or they are wearing good clothes or they are having good vehicle or they have good friends or they are good looking and so on.

 We feel hatredness towards them only because we think we deserved all that they have. We will develop ill will towards others and because of this our heart will be filled with sorrows instead of joy.

We have to understand that we are all pilgrims on this earth and our permanent place is in heaven and we have to desire about the world and pleasures less and about things of the heaven more so that we may live like citizens of heaven on earth and by doing this we will escape from falling into the trap of deadliest mortal sin envy.

Date: 09:08:2019.

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