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Saturday, August 10, 2019


God's word clearly says in 2 Corinthians 5:7 -" for we walk by faith, not by sight."πŸ’

We have examine our life and see whether we are walking in faith or like most of them whether we walk by sight.

Walking by faith requires from us courage, patience and love to overcome every obstacles the enemy brings before us.

Walking by sight on the other hand is very easy till everything is good in our life, If something fails then we will not know the way to overcome it.

When we are walking in faith we have to be ready to face the testing of our faith so that we may pass the test and grow little in faith. Without passing the test there is no possibility for us to grow in faith. 

When we are walking in sight we will be able to see only things that are happening and our heart will be filled with sorrows for all things that are not happening in our life.

Only when we walk by faith everything which was not happening when we were walking by sight will surely happen in our life.

When we are walking in faith we have to be alert about people who will try to destroy our faith by talking to us discouraging words and also deceivers who will false promise and try to divert our attention from faith.

If we keep watch over destroyer of faith and deceivers by not falling to their words then definitely we will move forward and experience supernatural assistance from God in our life.

Hebrews 11:6 says without faith it is impossible to please God.πŸ’

Let us make a commitment to learn the Word of God and grow in faith every day so that we may live a life of faith which is  pleasing to God.

Date: 10:08:2019.🌸🌹

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