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Friday, August 2, 2019


We are living in the corrupt world where it teaches us to BELIEVE IN OURSELF AND WE WILL SUCCEED. 

Many of us have taken this path and have enjoyed partial success and when we have met with some serious failures our self confidence became low and because of this some have fallen trap to oppression,depression and it ended with suicide.

We are all called to build our life on God confidence which will never fail us in any situation (small, big and impossible) of our life.

Without surrendering our life completely to God we cannot build our life on God confidence. When we surrender our life to God we discover HIS Strength and HIS confidence and we will give up on our strength and our confidence.

God has created each and every one of us and also called each one us to discover God's strength when we are weak, God's hope when we are hopeless, God's freedom when we are in slavery, God's love when we are having hatred, God's life when we are going through death like situations.

We have to understand  that God confidence is much higher than our self confidence and also God Confidence will help us to overcome any situation in our life small,big and also impossible but our self confidence cannot make us overcome every situation.

Date: 02- 08- 2019.

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