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Thursday, August 8, 2019


God's word clearly says in Proverbs 4:20 - My child, be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings.

We need to examine ourselves whether we  are attentive when we reading the Word of God  or when we are listening to the Word of God in the church, prayer meeting, retreats and media.

If we are not attentive to the Word of God when we listen then surely it is not possible to understand anything. 

We have to be more attentive when we read or listen to the Word of God so that we may know what to do and also what are the things we should not do.

More we are attentive to the Word of God more we will grow in wisdom and knowledge. Jesus clearly said many times in the Gospel " Those who have ears listen."

When we do not pay attention to the Word of God after attending church, prayer meeting, retreat regularly our thoughts,our words and our works will not change and because of this our life will not experience any change.

When we are attentive to the Word of God, we learn so many new things from God and when we practice in our life it will bring great change in our thinking, our words and also our works and because of this our life will experience great change.


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