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Monday, August 5, 2019


We are all living with people who are worldly, believers, unbelievers, evil and when we live in midst of them we cannot expect good from every one.

Many people when they are angry or irritated they call us using different words like"  Good for nothing, useless, burden,careless, devil, go to hell and also they call us by animal names and use abusive language.

We have to know that these people when they are angry or irritated they speak all this words with the prompting of the devil. When they are speaking we need to be quiet to avoid arguments and fights and also we should not accept anything they say or else there is a possibility that we may be depressed.

We have to accept everything what God says about us in the Word of God and live joyfully. We need to read the Word of God to see what God calls us.

God calls us Strong, courageous, warrior, blessed, precious, faithful, beloved, Apple of His eye, partner with Christ, children,doers of the Word, chosen, holy, righteous,friend of God, heirs of God and many more. 

When we hear the same words from the people around us we have to understand that they are speaking by themselves but with the help of God.

We have to understand we are free to accept and reject what others say with the prompting of the devil and accept everything they speak with the help of God.

Date: 05:08:2019.

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