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Sunday, August 18, 2019


When we are walking in faith there are many problems which befalls on us and initially many of us will think because of saying prayers it has fallen on us.

God's word clearly says in psalm 34:19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord rescues them from them all.

As we are growing in faith one by one problems start increases in our life only because God wants to test our faith and see whether we are going to be faithful to His word or fall away.

Problems of the righteous are many no doubt about it but our dependence on God should increase or else we are going to fall into oppression, depression and if we don't take care it will end up with despair and suicide.

God always want to test our faith to see our confidence and faith in His Word, more we are going to be faithful to His word, more we are going to be overcomers of problems.

God is the only solution to every problem we have, some of our problems God solves very fast and for other problems we may have to wait for few days, few weeks, few months and also few years. 

More our solution to our problem is delayed more we need to encourage ourselves and grow in faith instead of worrying and falling into desperation.

Date: 18:08:2019.

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