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Saturday, August 31, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Proverbs 20:19 - A gossip reveals secrets; therefore do not associate with a babbler.

We come across people who are gossiping about others especially in the church, prayer meeting, neighbors and workplace.

People who gossip always do not correct themselves but all the time speaking about others mistake and also others secret.

Many of us do not have common friends and when someone reveals something about someone we have seen but do not know we start judging that person and if we are not alert then surely we will be passing the same information to others around us.

We have to understand gossiping is equivalent to murder. A person who murders another person kills the body but the person who gossips kills the character of another person.

We have to understand that there is no forgiveness for gosipping but we need to do reperation by speaking good about the people about whom we have gossiped.

Gossiping is like speaking a secret we know to the other person who do not know. We have to cut off from the people who are gossiping or else because of their influence on us we will become the same in matter of few months.

Whatever we gossip about someone with others cannot be taken back as the person we have gosipped will be gossiping with his known people and they in turn with their known and so on.

Let's stop gossiping about someone with others and instead cultivate a new habit of speaking good about someone with others to save us from falling trap to gossiping.

Date: 31: 08: 2019.

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