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Sunday, September 1, 2019


Word of God clearly says in 1 Corinthians 15:33- Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”

We all have to be alert all the time with the people we are having fellowship.

 If we have fellowship with unbelievers then slowly by slowly our faith fades away. 

If we have fellowship with people who are listeners of the Word of God then we will also listen and deceive ourselves.

If we have fellowship with the people who are the doers of the Word of God then surely we will learn to obey the Word of God and experience great miracles in our life.

We have to understand that to grow in good morals it will take a lot of time but to ruin the good morals we have by being in the company of bad will take very little time.

We have to be careful in making friends or else we may fellowship with wrong people and without our knowledge we may reach to the wrong destination. 

Date: 01: 09: 2019.

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