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Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Proverbs 14:31- Those who oppress the poor insult their Maker, but those who are kind to the needy honor him.

We all are meeting in our day to day life either person begging with us or the needy person asking us for help, but the question we need to ask ourself is whether we give them cheerfully or speak arrogantly with them or just ignore  them and walk away .

When we are speaking to the poor and needy arrogantly or when we ignoring them and walk away we insult God.

We need to understand that God can come to us in the form of beggar or the needy to test our generosity. If we fail to be generous to the poor and needy then how we can expect God to be generous to us.

When we are helping the poor and the  needy we have to believe in our heart that we are giving to God. We should not expect anything back from all the people we help.

When we help the poor and the needy we are honouring God. When we help the poor and needy we have to keep in our mind that whatever we do to the least of our brothers and sisters we are doing for God.

Let us treat all the poor and needy with kindness so that if we become poor or needy someone will be kind to us.

Date: 10:09:2019.

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