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Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Word of God clearly says in 1 John 4:20- Those who say, “I love God,” and hate their brothers or sisters, are liars; for those who do not love a brother or sister whom they have seen, cannot love God whom they have not seen.

According to the Word of God we are all are called liars if we say we love God and if we do not love one another around us.

When we live in flesh it is impossible to love one another because we want to do everything what we like in the same way when we live in Spirit we will stop doing everything our way and start doing God's way according to the Word of God.

We all think that we are able to love everyone without any conditions but when we are hurt by word or deed of same people we fail to love them because of the wound and Unforgiveness. When we love God and when we are filled with God's love we will be able to love people who hate us, hurt us and also people who persecute us.

God has clearly said in His Word that if we cannot love others around us whom we can see we cannot love God whom we cannot see.

Many of us start arguments for silly reasons and do not talk or look at each other for days, weeks, months and even years.

We have to accept everyone as they are and love them by ignoring their bad qualities and highlighting their good qualities so that they will overcome bad with good.

We should not forget that we were also the same or worst than them before coming to prayers and God without asking us about our past or without highlighting our bad qualities and brought us to self realisation through His Word.

Let us make every effort to love others as they are without looking at their job or position or power or wealth or possession of material things but let us love everyone without partiality.

Date: 17: 09: 2019.

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