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Thursday, September 26, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Romans 12:12- Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer.

We as humans when everything is going on well in our life we will be having high hopes and when everything is upside down we will reach the state of hopelessness.

We have to ask ourselves question whether we are rejoicing in whatever we are hoping from God even when our situations looks impossible, if we are not rejoicing in whatever we are hoping from God then surely we are not living in faith but in flesh.

Suffering is the greatest blessing we can ever receive from God but the question we need to ask ourselves is whether we are patient when we are going through suffering. If we are not patient when we are suffering then we are trying to escape from it. We should know that God has allowed suffering in our life for a great purpose which we may not understand in the beginning but surely we will understand in the end.

When we are cultivating a life of prayer, we expect everything to happen fast as we want and when that doesn't happen we may become sorrowful and depressed. We have to understand that no matter how hard we pray God will always answer us in His time and only when we persevere in prayer we will reap great benefits out of our prayer life.

Date: 26:09:2019.

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