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Saturday, September 7, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Titus 3:9- But avoid stupid controversies, genealogies, dissensions, and quarrels about the law, for they are unprofitable and worthless.

We are all growing in faith in different levels. Some are going to be born, some are just born, some are children, some are youth and some are adult.

When a person is just born in the Word of God there will be lots of obstacles waiting for them in the form of questions by people of same religion and also from other religions.

When we do not know answers we start arguing, condemning, criticising, dividing and also quarreling through media or in person.

We have to search for answers for all the questions people ask about our faith in Holy Bible, catechism of the Catholic church and also from all the books written by saint's.

When we search and have answers to the questions people ask us then surely all who ask questions will disappear from our life.

From just born in the Word of God  to become adult it will take years. We have to understand that just born will not understand the language of adult but adult can understand little about the language of  the just born. 

We have to be patient with every category of people and we have to avoid arguments, quarrels, dividing and controversies so that we may grow in faith and become adult one day.

Date: 07:08:2019.

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