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Thursday, September 5, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Philippians 3:14- I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus.

We are all busy in our own works and living a life according to the world and when we do that we miss many things including the call of God.

God is calling every one of us to be united with Him so that we may change our life from bad to good through His power in our life. But the question we need to ask ourselves is how many of us are alert so that we can hear the voice of God clearly.

We are not listening to the voice of God because we are not alert and also our heart is divided. When we are having a undivided heart then surely we will listen to the voice of God coming from inside of us and do everything HE says even if it is difficult.

Without listening to the voice of God it is not possible for us to walk in right path which will lead us to eternal life. 

When we are walking in the right path we do not care about the problems, sufferings, trials or sickness we are going through because we will know that in the end we will be united with God in heaven.

God calls everyone but whoever responds to His call will be tested and few who pass the test of faithfulness will be chosen by Him to do His work.

Date: 05:09:2019.

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