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Thursday, September 19, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Hebrews 10:12- But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, “he sat down at the right hand of God.

We all have grown up from our childhood till date looking at Cross where Jesus is crucified either in our houses or in our churches or any religious places.

We have to ask ourselves whether we have understood the value of sacrifice Jesus Christ did for us by getting persecuted, shedding His precious blood, wounded and dying on the cross. If we have not understood then we will living like people in the old testament.

Jesus carried on His cross our sins, our curses, our sickness and our bondage. Today when we are struggling with sin or curse or sickness or bondage we have to remember that Jesus has already set us free. If we are not free then it is because we are trying to give up without help of Jesus.

In the olden times we had to give blood of bull, goats etc every year for atonement for our sins. Today because of blood of Jesus no other blood is needed for atonement for our sins. 

Jesus by shedding His precious blood He has transferred us from law to Grace. Because of His Grace today many sinners are repenting. 

After Jesus death and resurrection He is seated at the right hand of the Father and interceding on our behalf with the Father. If we are comiting sins every day and are alive it is only because of Jesus intercession and also His precious blood.

Date : 19:09:2019.

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