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Thursday, September 12, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Wisdom 1:3-4- For perverse thoughts separate people from God, and when his power is tested, it exposes the foolish; because wisdom will not enter a deceitful soul,or dwell in a body enslaved to sin.

We are all in our spiritual journey from few days or few weeks or few months or few years. 

By being in the spiritual journey for long we need to check ourself and see whether we are growing only in faith or we are growing in faith and wisdom of God.

When we are in our spiritual journey we ask God material things, health, deliverance etc and forget to ask God His wisdom. If we need wisdom we have to ask God everyday till we receive. God will not give us Wisdom so easily but He will test us and after He is convinced He will give. God will never bless us with wisdom if we have deceit, corruption and selfish motives inside us.

Main reason God doesn't bless everyone with His wisdom because it is precious than silver and gold. One who possesses wisdom of God will become rich like king Solomon.

God handpicks every person whom He will bless with His wisdom. Before we are blessed by the wisdom of God we have to prepare ourself to go through series of hard test which can make us dreadful but when we pass the test we can be sure to receive wisdom of God a little.

Date- 12: 09: 2019.

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