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Saturday, September 14, 2019


Be ever engaged, so that whenever the devil calls he may find you occupied-- Saint Jerome.

We have to examine ourself and see whether we are occupied always with the Word of God or we simply ignore and fall into traps of the devil.

Many of us do not even know the tactics of the devil, that's why we will not know when we are fallen trap to his deceiving schemes.

In our daily life devil will try to enter into our life by giving us suggestions through our thoughts and when we say yes to that suggestion we will be partnering with the devil.

Many of us will not have awareness of partnering with the devil and be in that partnership till we are partially destroyed or fully destroyed.

We have to engage ourself with Word of God so that when the devil visits us we have to counter attack him with the Word of God so that we can defeat him or else surely we will be defeated.

Devil cannot work anything in our life without our permission and when he works stealing, killing and destroying in our life we are solely responsible for the destruction and not the devil.

God has given His Word to us to defeat the devil and his agents. If we do not use the Word of God we cannot defeat the devil and his agents but we will be defeated by the devil and his agents.

Date: 14:09:2019.

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