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Sunday, September 15, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Job 25:6 - how much less a mortal, who is a maggot, and a human being, who is a worm!”

We as humans cannot raise ourself from what we are. Our value in life is our humility and not pride.

We have to always consider others better than ourself to escape from falling trap to sin of pride. We have to understand that when we are in the mortal sin of pride God will humble us through suffering, trials and tests.

We have to know that we look very small like insects when God sees us from heaven. We also have to understand that more we value us more we are going to fall. More we consider ourself low God will surely exalt us.

God after being most powerful still He loves us and take care of us like a baby in mother's arm. We need to put our pride,ego and selfishness out of our life and love God more than everything we have and also we are going to have.

 We have to understand that word of God is very vast subject and has many aspects . We cannot know 100% even if we study all our life. No matter how much we know still we need to understand that there is much more to know.

Let us not become proud and say I know everything instead let us be humble and say I want to know everything.

Date: 15:09:2019.

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