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Friday, September 6, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Jeremiah 15:11- The Lord said: Surely I have intervened in your life for good, surely I have imposed enemies on you in a time of trouble and in a time of distress.

God has given freewill to everyone of us either to follow good by obeying HIS Word or follow bad by chasing the desires of the flesh and world.

If we are chasing the desires of the flesh and world then surely one or the other day God will intervene in our life to take us from destruction to life.

When God intervenes in our life then surely we will have someone who has been destined by God will come in our life and steal our power, fame ,kill our pride and arrogance and destroy our material things blessed by God.

Destruction is happening  only because we have given priority in our life for everything except God and His Word.

When we grow outside the Word of God then clearly our confidence will grow in our job, our possession and our bank balance. When all three are destroyed by the enemy then we will become sad, depressed and also want to commit suicide.

Our dependence on God and His Word will save us from every dangers and also provide us courage and strength to fight every battle and kick the enemy out of our life.

Date: 06: 09: 2019.

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