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Sunday, September 22, 2019


Word of God clearly says in Matthew 15:8- This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me;

In today's church we find many people honoring God only with their lips to show others how holy they are but their hearts are occupied with things of the world.

We cannot experience the great love of God or miracles from God when our heart is far away from God. 

We may come to Holy Mass in our body but our mind will not  be  attentive to everything happening there and our heart is filled with so many things of the world.

Because of not giving our heart completely to God we fail to attain spiritual maturity till the end of our life.

We have freewill  to choose one of the options to move forward to wrong destination or to right destination. 

We can choose life in flesh and move slowly towards wrong destination that is destruction or we can cultivate life in Spirit and move towards right destination that is life.

When our heart is far away from God it will be very near to world. When we worship God we have to worship Him in Spirit and Truth.

Date: 22:09:2019.

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